Nature-Based Solutions to Increase Producer Profitability
We are excited to announce that we were awarded an NSERC SARI grant for Phase 2 of the PPSN - Marginal Land Solutions!

This project will utilize a newly developed Field Profitability and Marginality webtool to help growers identify low profitability or marginal areas in fields, assist in conversion planning and study the effects of converting marginal acres within cropland to a perennial forage mix.
·Starting in 2025, producers who choose to participate in Phase 2 will be preparing patch(es) of marginal areas, 1 to 20 acres each, for conversion to perennial forage in 2026. Equivalent marginal “control” areas are also required.
Converted areas may be grazed, cut for hay, etc.
Over the next 3 to 4 years researchers and students will conduct soil sampling, monitor beneficial insects and bird biodiversity, and measure plant productivity on the areas for conversion and the control areas.
Grower precision yield data (from the combine) will be collected and analyzed each year.

Photo credit: Tamara McLoughlin

In Return The Producer Will Receive:
A one-time signing bonus for the preliminary year of testing.
A land use payment of $75 per conversion acre per year for the first 2 years post-conversion with the possibility of further payments depending on funding.
A guidance document outlining other stackable forage incentive programs offered by Ducks Unlimited, Ministry of Ag, etc.
Forage seed will be provided or reimbursed.
Guidance on best management practices