The Prairie Precision Sustainability Network (PPSN)
The Prairie Precision Sustainability Network (PPSN) is a collaboration between research teams at the University of Saskatchewan and the University of Calgary. By combining grower harvest data and satellite imagery we are building a model to predict future yields on low production areas, by individual fields.
We are analyzing unproductive field zones over multiple years, accounting for variations in crop, weather, and markets. Our research will provide insights across thousands of fields and multiple years, leading to better-informed decisions and preparedness for future challenges.
Our Mission
By combining geo-referenced combine yield data from producers across the Canadian Prairies with satellite imagery we are building a model for predicting yield in marginal areas, down to the individual field.
Benefit to Producers
The data collected will be combined with satellite imagery to detect yield patterns and locate low production areas within your own fields for multiple years.
3 Easy Steps
Collection of Raw Yield Data and Crop Plans: These are the files that come directly from the combine monitor. They can be sent to Andrea or Tamara from the producer's stored files via Google Drive or OneDrive or through apps such as JD Operations Centre or Climate Field View. We also require a crop plan, preferably with Legal Land Descriptions for each field. Grain cart info and application info is optional.
Multiple Choice Questionnaire: This 5-10 minute survey regarding your data can be completed online or over the phone.
Permission to Use Statement: This outlines that the data collected is used for research purposes only, it is stored securely during the entire process and all participants will remain anonymous.